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Criminal games

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Among all the crimes and misdemeanours, the most disturbing by far in the eyes of public opinion are sexual offences. And when the offenders are teenagers, there is added puzzlement. However, beyond the shock caused by their acts and the “monster” tag that sticks to them, who are these young people? What was their life trajectory prior to their offence? Can they possibly be treated? At the Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology facility of La Garenne Colombe (Paris area), a rare experiment has been taking place for a decade: teenage sex offenders from age 13 to 18 come every week upon the judge’s order to engage in psychotherapy. In that specialized department, psychologist and criminologist Samuel Lemitre follows his young patients along several months or even years in individual sessions or group therapy. Criminal Games observes the committed practice of this unconventional psychologist by questioning the causes for such violence and the possible treatments to avoid relapse.


16/9, 52min, color, HD
Broadcasters: France 2, Planète+ Justice

Production: cocottesminute productions
With support of: CNC, de la région Rhône-Alpes, de la Procirep-Angoa
Lead producer: Jérôme DUC-MAUGÉ

Editor: Sylvie PERRIN
Photography: Adrien RIVOLLIER, Thibaut BERTRAND, Nicolas EPRENDRE
Sound: Christophe FOULON, Mathieu DAUDE, Christophe PRIÉ
Original music: Frédéric ALIOTTI, Adrien RIVOLLIER

© cocottesminute productions 2012

© adrien rivollier 2025

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